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AWS helps ISVs to optimize selling software, and enterprises to optimize procurement, on AWS Marketplace by offering an alternative to public list pricing: Marketplace Private Offers (MPPOs), usually shortened to just Private Offers. Enterprise Buyers can use MPPOs to buy software on specific terms but still leverage the standard Marketplace contracts and AWS budget.

However, AWS have taken the Private Offer concept further with Consulting Partner Private Offers (CPPOs) for two reasons:

  1. Some enterprises want to procure software indirectly from their trusted Consulting Partners and not directly from an ISV.
  2. Some ISVs are “channel-led” and want to extend their Buyer reach through Consulting Partners.
CPPO Process
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How Do CPPOs Work?

CPPOs connect the triangle between Buyer, ISV, and Consulting Partner. There are two steps in the process:

  1. ISV and Consulting Partner create a Resell Agreement in the Marketplace portal.
  2. The Consulting Partner creates a Private Offer for the Buyer, based on that Resell Agreement, in the AWS Marketplace portal
CPPOs Work

Figure 1: How CPPOs work to make buying software more efficient.

CPPO Benefits for the Isv, the Consulting Partner, and the Buyer
ISV Consulting Partner Buyer
  • Can’t manage direct relationships with all Buyers.
  • Relies on Consulting Partners for reach and scale.
  • Wants to be more strategic with software vendor.
  • Grow their business with deeper Buyer relationships and more ISV co-sell relationships.
  • Wants smaller, faster procurement with fewer vendor relationships.
  • Wants to focus on trusted Consulting Partner.

Table 1: How CPPOs impact the wants and needs of each party

How the Labra Platform Makes CPPOs More Efficient

The Labra platform builds upon the efficiency of the AWS Marketplace by optimizing processes like CPPO in three ways:

  1. Bring user tasks into their CRM rather than having to use multiple portals.
  2. Automated workflows, notifications and updating the CRM.
  3. Improve data and visibility for smoother cloud commerce that can scale.

Figure 2: How the Labra platform optimizes CPPO and AWS Marketplace.

The optimization of CPPO can be seen when comparing how they are managed without and with the Labra platform:

CPPO without Labra – Unoptimized CPPO with Labra – Optimized
  • Partner staff need to manually use AWS Marketplace portal and their CRM to create and track CPPOs.
  • Manually communicate with Consulting Partners via email, making manual CRM updates.
  • Manual checking of CPPO status through its lifecycle, with manual CRM updates.
  • Manual tracking of disbursements in numerous AWS Marketplace portal reports with CRM.
  • CPPO actions like Create Resell Agreement brought into CRM, removing the need to use AWS Marketplace Portal.
  • Agreement is automatically sent to the Reseller.
  • CRM is automatically updated as the agreement status updates.
  • The Labra Platform will also be sending notifications/reminders on all important events.

Table 2: The benefits of using Labra for CPPOs


AWS Marketplace makes software procurement more efficient, and CPPOs increase this efficiency by enabling co-sell between an ISV and a Consulting Partner.

Labra is a Distributed Cloud Commerce Management platform that accelerates cloud commerce for ISVs and Consulting Partners through the framework of Build-Market-Co-sell.

ISVs can manage CPPO Resell Agreements from within their CRM and make Private Offers to buyers.

Automation in the Labra platform ensures that the workflow happens and the CRM is updated so the partner never misses an offer and always has accurate, up-to-date information.

Get a live demo with a Labra cloud commerce expert and learn how your ISV business can grow more efficiently with AWS using the Labra Platform.

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